What is the average preschool fees in EuroKids Pre-School
The preschool fee for EuroKids Pre-School varies from INR 45000 to INR 60000 depending upon whether the admission in for Playschool, Nursery, LKG or UKG levels. The average annual preschool fee for EuroKids Pre-School is INR 52500. The fee is either payable in monthly, quarterly, or yearly payments.
What is the average daycare fees in EuroKids Pre-School
The average monthly full day daycare fee for EuroKids Pre-School is INR 10000 to INR 12000. The fee varies based on number of hours of daycare required required per day. Example 1 to 4 hours/day, half-day or full-day daycare.
What is the Teacher - Student ratio in EuroKids Pre-School
The teacher student ratio is an important parameter for selecting a preschool. The teacher to student ratio at EuroKids Pre-School is 1:10. 1 teacher for every 10 children.
What are the facilities provided by EuroKids Pre-School
EuroKids Pre-School offer all necessary facilities to ensure a safe, conducive, happy, and learning environment for children. The EuroKids Pre-School centers offers . Additionally EuroKids Pre-School also offers ,