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Jelly Baby PlayschoolVerified

sector 43


  • 2 yrs - 6 yrs
    mon - fri | 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • 1 yr 1 m - 8 yrs


About Programme

Our Growth Programmes Our philosophy is inspired by Dr. Maria Montessori and the curriculum can be broadly classified into the following programmes: All babies are born with a treasure chest of infinite ability stones. These are like seeds which grow only if they are nurtured, so the first few years of a child determine a lifetime. As soon as babies hit age 2, their brains rapidly start throwing away unused abilities by a process called “Synaptic Pruning” and they lose these abilities forever. We offer a well-defined curriculum with a strong emphasis on learning beyond the classroom. The faculty, teaching pedagogy and facilities, kindle a lo...Read more