CURRICULUM As your child takes the first step away from home, he/she is not alone. With our spidey-vision and our ever-caring attention, your child is in safe hands Adult Child ratio for: Infants - 1:1 | Preschool & Daycare - 1:4 | Toddler Care - 1:2 Our classrooms have child friendly furniture with large windows that flood rooms with light and fresh air. Kara4kids centers have cozy indoor and outdoor spaces designed to give each child a developmentally appropriate playing experience. Early childhood education has a profound impact on brain development, so enhancing the physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-emotional development of child...Read more
Address: No. 26, 18th Main Rd, Santhosapuram, 2nd Block,,Koramangala, Bengaluru,koramangala 2nd block,bengaluru,560034.
Phone Number: 96064*****View Number